F. Zeffirelli's "Traviata" "Trapezium", "Spartacus", "Anyuta", "House at the Road", "Adam and Eva", "Icarus", "Gospel for the Sly", "Gigolo and Gigolette", "These charming Sounds", "Fuete","Fragments of one's biography, I want to dance",
Appearing in documentaries "Grand Pas in the White Night", "Recollecting Ninjinsky", "Randez-vous with the Bolshoi", "USSR with Open Heart", "Creation of Dance", "Road to Big Ballet", "Choreographic novellas", "World of Dance", "Pages of Modern Dance", "Parade of attractions", "Asaf Messerer", Moscow in musical notes";
TV films about Vasiliev "Katya and Volodya", "...And there is always something unsaid", "Duet";
choreographed in TV Films "Gigolo and Gigolette", "These Fascinating Sounds", "Anyuta", "House at the Road", "Fuete", "Gospel for the Sly";

